Effectiveness of such a hunt depends on the personal qualities and temperament of the hunter. Methods of hunting does depend on the habitat and the weapon with which to pursue the sport. Very often experienced hunters can determine what animals and what inhabits a terrain density, even before this can not examine it. Such assessment is the result of extensive experience and gaining knowledge, any of the relevant literature was more aware of colleagues.
Now is the time to note that although it is classified as pests, are carnivorous beasts, and even when they are hunting, you have to do without unnecessary cruelty. Respect for the game, he was mangy red deer or fox, and self-esteem is a hunter himself. Must strive to maximize efficient and accurate shots, but in case of injury - to kill animal without spare ammunition.
To make the best hunters need to understand the nature of animals, biology, needs and fears. In a double dose of this is true for predators.
Have you asked why under the circumstances related to the meteorological situation and in certain seasons, the activity of animals is higher, and another time, though even in the most beneficial area, their presence is missing? When and where hunting them would be optimal? What is the best weapon for the animals? What equipment is needed if we are prepared for the challenges and unexpected turns? What clothing will help us to remain undetected, and how not pass with a minimum load, no we miss something?
Surely many will rush to give you advice, but you, dear readers, do not rush to take everything on trust. Few hunters are really literate, devoted his spare time hunting of predators. Consumerism mood (unfortunately) prevalent in the majority. Psychology in most of our hunters had to do with the meat of one or other mammal to "ostakli" (to be placed in a well cleaned and pressurized pot) or to harmonize in the right proportions as mince. As predators, for the most part do not offer meat knows what taste, shooting them is literally ignored for the sake of it is not frightened away a delicious game. In 90% of the shooting of predatory animals in our country is the result of chance rather than organization. Even raids, which are organized in good faith on the ground, often end with poachers hunting various animals. And so with the blessing of the people responsible to them is sweet!
Hunter of predators made a noble cause, by reducing their number to a useful minimum. He often hunted alone or with a friend. This is logical because the rule applies here - less people, less noise. A quiet observance of sterile when stalking, waiting, ambush and raid is the factor that separates the full and empty bag.
On the other hand the attitude of some familiar with the trapper hunting of predators is quite selfish. Such people are not willing to devote their tactics in the other hunters. Maybe they want to keep as much as possible about yourself? Well, rest assured, gentlemen, roasted trapper, predatory creatures are in abundance for all!
Without wishing to throw a large "Professors", I think what I have to share the experience as a hunter of vermin. In a series of articles will introduce you to different methods of hunting weapons and the appropriate meteorological factors that contribute to successful hunting of predators. I hope that other colleagues to share their experiences in this item, so that together we can meet fellow beginners and protect them from mistakes. However, it is best to learn from their own mistakes.
Biodiversity pest
Predators in Bulgaria are relatively diverse. Not very long list of harmful organisms listed in our bear and predatory birds falcon, hawk and eagle. Today they are a protected species. Carnivorous mammals in our pests are: jackal, fox, wild cat, badger, marten, Ferret, Raccoon dog, weasel, and, of course, the biggest, most intelligent and most sought-after trophy - the wolf. Of all these wild cat is permitted for hunting from October to early March. Badger hunting is from August to early March. Others are permitted year round.
Interesting quantitative and hunting may be made of feathered year-round - Magpie-legged, gray crows, crows and arable daw.
As can be seen in practice, the predators are the only type of hunting allowed year round. When a hobby has the ability to exercise throughout the year, the level of preparation is significantly higher than in seasonal training.
- Methods of hunting for pests
Hunting decoys by pheromone
Sexual desire and instinct to continue the family are factors which are affecting not only people but animals. That their weakness can be used and this is done to attract them and injected into an error from which to benefit the hunter.
pheromone lure is natural or synthetic smell of horny female. Usually such enticing works best in a season of heat and immediately before and after it, but gives / even weaker / result and beyond. Supply this type of bait can be done in two ways. Easier to clean and is as ready substance buy from a store (usually abroad). Therefore, there is a probable risk to the smell does not correspond exactly to the local variety of the animal. This can only be established on the principle of trial and error. The second option is much more reliable, but is laborious. Stinky fluid is extracted from natural sources - from horny bitch. Pheromones that attract males appear in the urine of female rut. For this purpose, or urine must be collected from animals kept in captivity (do not ask me how!), Or a copy of female shot is taken and the bladder content is stored in a bottle with sprayer. Such a "wealth" is to put it mildly unfortunate to coexist with the smell and trapper is not likely to endure the smell him voluntarily. Tip - buy a small refrigerator and place it in the basement or garage and stored urine.
Once you anyway have pheromone bait, you can use it by selecting the appropriate area and leave a trail in 10-15 meters, by spraying the ground with a radius of 500 meters. After selecting the site for placement in a shooting, take a sponge of foam and spray it thoroughly. The distance from the archer to the sponge should not be less than 35-40 meters and no greater than 70-80 meters. I'm sure many of you exclaiming that they can hit a small predator rather than a greater distance, and I would agree with them, but only on condition that the fire in normal vision. Quite often the most interesting situations where predators are played just as dark. With this idea when we put any bait is good about the background is bright (yellow grass, snow, sand). So usually the darker coloration of the animal and the contrast will be seen better.
Here are the details of periods when predators mating season encountered in our country:
- She-Wolf - December-February;
- Wait - February-March;
- Fox - February;
- Wildcat - February-March;
- Badger - April-June;
- Raccoon Dog - January-February;
- Marten and pine marten - July-August;
- Ferret - March-April;
- Otter - February-March;
- Weasel - birth to 3 times a year.
Of course, exceptions to this schedule are not rare, but in general it is true.
Food enticement
- Building spot for feeding
One of the most effective enticement for all seasons is through sharp. For this method are required to have the amount of waste meat or fish. This could be used dead animals, meat food waste, spoiled fish, stray dogs and others. Here, of particular importance is the correct selection of location to place the food bait and regular watcher. To have a better idea of what carnivores attended spot for feeding, it is better to be done about sand beach, the soft soil (mud) or winter - the unbeaten snow. Thus it will be in giving impressions to identify not only species but the size and number of animals that have adopted the "kindly" reference to their call for Buffet. If the terrain is hard soil, you can sand and bring it scattered abroad. It is spot for feeding be done near the shore of a river or reservoir, because either way it will go to the animals to drink water. Deployment of spot for feeding must respect the direction of the wind, so that it can not issue a covert presence of the hunter. To obtain the necessary hunter is away from the air stream.
When waiting spot for feeding, the animals always approaching from the direction against the wind, but after closer spot for feeding, more experienced of them walk in circles the perimeter and only then approaching. Even young predators to slip table with suspicion. Good advice is to wait until the animal starts to eat. Very often reassured by their presence, to join him and other predators. For example, if a fox, which feeds on carrion, escape and make sure that you are not the reason for this, it probably will soon have a visit of the wolf. Leave a small table runners to sleep and vigilance of the larger and more interesting to hunt animals!
When waiting near spot for feeding must realize that not always the first time it will be honored by the visit. The rule is that the more a contender for "tuck", the more eager to be guests. Young animals always react more responsive and faster, and more careless.
When we want to build spot for feeding who will check in frequently to visit or a longer period of time, it is better to make access to food difficult. For example, to cover the food network or put it in a cage so that it can not be eaten quickly. I remember one case in which a friend of mine poured 20 pieces of pork head and after forty minutes when we came back to waylay a beast near the carcass, with astonishment, we saw that the place was swept away directly. Were several other small bones. But it was still bright. Jackals were hardly wait to get out and the party had started and finished before we get back.
Now is the time you expose one clever trick. Regardless of how smart are predators, they have one major disadvantage - they can not count. When making spot for feeding in "hot" region (say - where the animals may occur by placing the bait near bushes), a group of hunters take a position unnoticed, and other noisy retreat. Predator or predators, thought everything was fine and happy that the men were lied to again, show and receive a prize - leaded candy. This tactic has proved to be effective many times, especially during major infestations.
Another interesting trick I learned while hunting in Africa, is leaving a trail of stinky offal. Broadly speaking, the entrails of some animal or riddled plastic tube filled with blood, is dragged by a rope on the ground for a mile or two. Left trail ends at the actual spot for feeding. This increases the chances of someone famished to cross the trail and followed it up titbit, and there ... You wait and you eat it again o. .. knowledge - lead sweetie.
Hint: it is better to make a few spot for feeding off in two to five kilometers. So you can decide which of them works best, and wait near it. After shooting, you can change the place and after a few shifts to return to the first. This will exploit the maximum area in which hunting.
Predators are pronounced territorial animals. This means that once a site is concerned there are favorable conditions for their development, even in complete elimination of predators there, after a while others will be accommodated. Hint: remember the places where you have successfully hunted and visit them periodically.