Marlin 336 CS

Systems, on which are built hunting rifles, are several: to prison spuskovata bracket - the so-called "Lever Action", with bolts in prison, semi-automatic, pump type, Bounce, like hunting shotguns.
Rifles that are loaded by means of a lever attached to spuskovata bracket (with pax Lever Action), are rare in the Bulgarian market. Most of us have seen in westerns in which they necessarily be used. Bulgarian hunters have typically Carbine 'Marlin 336 Cal. 30-30. The weapon is very compact and manoeuvrable under certain habits in the archer's fire rate yielded only samozaryadnite rifles. This applies to all guns "Lever Action". The length of the "Marlin" is 98 centimeters, 51 centimeters of the barrel, the magazine holds 6 rounds and the weight of the weapon is 3.2 kilograms. The reason this type of rifles are not popular in Bulgaria is that produced overseas and their importation is quite problematic, and usually are manufactured in gauges, popular in the U.S. market.
Blaser R93

The most common not only in our country, and around the world are rifles with bolts so-called prison. Almost all used pure or revised system "Mauser" in 1898 In her prison by turning around its axis and its movement back to remove the empty cartridge (or undischarged cartridge), but in the opposite movement pushes a new cartridge in the barrel , vzvezhda to percussion lock prison. Some companies produce rifles with bolts in prison, which only move forward and backward without rotated around its axis. These are "Browning Atsera", "Mauser M96", "Heym SR 30", "Blazer R 93. But most remain popular rifles produced by the classical scheme. Most rifles are available in "Zbroyovka-Brno - model M 98. The weapon is manufactured by a classical scheme of "Mauser M 98" in caliber 7 x 64; .270 Win.; 30-06; 7 Rem.mag.; 300 Win.mag. The store accommodates 3 or 4 rounds depending on caliber, barrel length is 605 millimeters and weight of 3.3 kilograms of weapon. Produced in two versions: standard and luxury.
Steyr Mannlicher Scout

For the wealthy Bulgarian hunters interest is the production company of "Steyr - Mannlicher. Austrians produce weapons before more than 100 years, so the high quality of their weapons can not surprise anyone. Rifles "Steyr" are produced in almost all known European and American gauges, ranging from 223 Rem. to 9.3 ґ62 and 8ґ68. Rifles are the length of the tubes 51 and 60 cm for common caliber and 65 cm for the option "Magnum". The most interesting model of the company is "Steyr Mannlicher Scout. The weapon is manufactured entirely with synthetic stock and box, usually in gray or black. In the butt is set spare refill. The front part of polulozhata is made of two parts, which can be opened first, and thus serve as a bipedal, thus allowing for better support for the weapon and thus improve its accuracy. It is produced in two caliber - 223 Rem. and 308 Win. The total length of the rifle is only 98 centimeters and a barrel - 48, top 5 cm are mounted sight and foresight, which are harvested in separate beds when not in use, as well as special facilities for mounting the optical sight.
Another interesting model is the "Pro Hunter" of the same company. This is a professional hunting weapon with a special box shaped butt and resisting knocks and bad weather plastic. The weapon is manufactured in all standard gauges for the company and lengths of tubes 51 or 65 cm
Most companies offer different types of boxes for its products. Usually these are standard - wood and synthetic, but notice - and with a luxurious wood. Controversial is the question which type is preferable. Weapon with a wooden butt and lodge is beautiful, but the synthetic is more practical.
Some companies, such as "Blazer" and "Sauer" for example, offer interchangeable barrels, and their models. Thus meet the hunter with the same weapon, changing tubes have different gauges, a logging and cheaper than any caliber to buy a separate carats respectively.
Another type of rifles that are on the Bulgarian market are samozaryadnite. They operate on the principle of freedom and prison gazootvoden principle.
CZ 511
Free prison work only rifles cal. 22 with peripheral flash. Any caliber is a very powerful weapon, operating in this way. The most popular are "ZKM 611", "CZ 511" and "Marlin". From these models, arguably the most interesting is "ZKM 611. Carbine is produced in 22 caliber magnum. Barrel length is 52 centimeters, the total length of the gun is 97 cm and weight - 2,8 kg. Fillers were respectively 6 and 9 rounds. An interesting feature of the rifle is that using one bolt it dismantled into two almost equal parts, which makes it convenient for transportation.
Аutoloader rifles
"Bar II" and "Bar Light II" to "Browning"
From rifles that work on the principle of removal of powder gases on the Bulgarian market can find models of "Browning" and Russian "Berkut" and "Tiger". Аutoloader rifles "Browning" is perhaps the best in its class. However, it is this company has invented this type of weapon. Offered in two options: "BAR II" and "Light Bar II. The difference between the two options is the weight of the weapon. "BAR II" weighs 3.5 kilograms and "BAR II Light" - about 3.1 kg. Gauges are 270 Win.; 308 Win.; 30-06; 7 Rem. mag.; 300 Win. mag. Available and caliber 338 Win. mag., but only the more severe form because of the strong recoil. Polulozhite butts and can be wood (standard or luxury performance) or synthetic (model "Stalker"). The synthetic version is a special material that does not allow hands to parzalyat, but the touch is smooth as velvet. Heads of rifles can be black, black with silver or white inserts with engraving. Magnum is recommended for models to be equipped with the BOSS system (rifle ballistic optimizing system), which substantially reduces kickback, but raises serious shot at the sound, but also raises the price of the weapon around 300-350 euros.
Berkut - 2M1
Аutoloader other rifles that can be found on the Bulgarian market are Russian "Tiger" and "Berkut". For rifles "Tiger" was written and many of them may very well be preparing a separate article, but the carbine "Berkut" very little is known. The weapon is manufactured by CBDRSH - soo (Central Bureau designing research for sport and hunting weapons). The company produces only small arms ranges and on behalf of organizations, which determines the quality of production. Many Russian hunters to this day do not know the output of this company. Carbine in caliber 7.62 ґ54. I had the pleasure to hold in my hands and make a very good impression with their exceptional compactness and high quality.
These are broadly rifles models that occur most frequently on the shelves of weapons stores. Many hunters, slaves of the deception that two of the same caliber rifles more powerful is that with bolts Аutoloaders to prison. According to them the reason is that some of the powder gases are damaging to recharge. The truth is that the recharge process begins after the bullet left the barrel and this applies to all weapons that operate on this principle, and this issue can be found in any textbook information ballistics.
Type rifles "pump" and break out occur so rarely that are rather exotic hunting for Bulgarian, which is not subject to this article.