SELECTION OF hunting dogs
Before you take your dog to respond to some questions:
Have you ever own a dog, or this will be his first?
What apartment do you have?
Do you have the opportunity to control a dominant dog?
How old are your children, if any?
How big a yard do you have?
What size dog you are looking for?
You are allergic to animals or those close to you?
How long you are willing to spend on your dog?
How long will you want to spend on exercising your dog?
Small or large
Whether the dog is small or large depends mainly on the size of your home. Remember that dogs must have adequate space around it. If you live in a small apartment better suited for small dogs are -. But if your house or yard imate, you can easily get a great dog.
In what hair be?
Dogs with short hair easier to maintain hygiene. Scent of a dog also feels better. Dogs with long hair are very beautiful, but they require more care. Their coat should be clean after the hunt as often as you do thorns and other junk and eggs of various parasites.
Male or female
Male dogs: a more aggressive, more connected to a private owner rather than a house, playing more, more easily lost during walking, are often involved in fights with other dogs and can suffer.
Bitch: more caressing, more home than to a specific person in the breeding season will have more problems with hygiene and walk. And most importantly for me is that during this period can not go hunting.
Bird dogs suitable for hunting migratory game
Hunting dogs that are suitable and some are even excellent for hunting quail, woodcocks and wild marsh are: English Setter, Gordon Setter, Irish Setter, Germany marriage, Cocker Spaniel, Spaniel Breton, marriage d'overn, Griffin and courts drathar Germany.
Cocker has a strong smell and thoroughly searched every inch of land. Many believe that it is most suitable for hunting quail. Since it is not bothering to get used to require very close - less than 20 m from the hunter. Coker is a must for hunting woodcocks and dardavtsi, since the latter makes it possible to hide and flee on foot, because Pathfinder is excellent. He is also a good carrier and also a fun game and brings dead land and in water. In our Cocker hardly be used for hunting, and the few specimens that are held as luxury pet dogs.
(Epagneul Breton)
UTILIZATION : Pointing dogs.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 7 Pointing Dogs and Setters.
Section 1.2 Continental Pointing Dogs, Spaniel type.
With working trial.
• The skull is longer than the muzzle, with a ratio of 3 : 2.
• Head is in proportion to the body.
• The depth of the chest, from withers to brisket, is slightly less than half the height of the dog.
• The scapulo-ischial length (from the point of the shoulder to the point of the buttocks) is equal to the height at the withers (the dog fits in a square).
HEAD : The features are fnely chiselled. The skin fits tightly.
Nose : Large, with very wide, humid and well-open nostrils, of a colour in harmony with that of the coat, as is the case of the edges of the eyelids and natural orifices.
Muzzle : Straight, with lateral surfaces practically parallel.
Lips : Not loose, not very large, relatively thin and fitting tightly. The lower is discreetly masked by the upper whose contour bends progressively until reaching the commisure, which is not too apparent and tightly closed. The whole is free of depigmentation.
Jaws/Teeth : The teeth are set square to the jaws and form a complete and healthy set. Scissors bite.
Cheeks : Not heavy, the skin fitting tightly.
Eyes : Slightly oblique. With an intelligent, soft and frank expression. Somewhat oval, not protruding, with fine, well pigmented, tightly fitting eyelids. The colour of the iris is in keeping with the colour of the coat, preferably dark. Eye expression coupled with upward movement of the base of the ears gives rise to the true « Brittany expression ».
Ears : Set high, triangular in shape, relatively large and rather short, (drawn forward, the tip of the ear reaches the stop). Partially covered with wavy hair, especially in the upper part, the extremity being covered by short hair. Always quite mobile when the dog is attentive or in action.
NECK : Of medium length and well muscled, in the form of a slightly curved, never arched, truncated cone. Set smoothly to the shoulders and without dewlap.
Topline : Level to the loins and the beginning of the croup.
Withers : Sufficiently mobile and hardly protruding, without being loaded.
Back : Straight, short and rigid, well coupled.
Loin : Short, broad and muscular.
Hip : Very slightly slanting, broad and muscular.
Chest : Let down to elbow level, broad with ribs well sprung but not barrel chested. Sternum wide and scarcely rising towards the rear. The rearmost ribs long and supple.
Abdomen : Slightly tucked-up.
Flank : Slightly rising and short.
FOREQUARTERS : Limbs well poised. Joints flexible and sturdy.
Shoulder : Mobile, long (30% of the height at the withers), close to the body with thick muscle. Its slope is that of a galloper, between 55 and 60 degrees from the horizontal. The tips of the shoulder blades are separated by 5 cm (2 ’’).
Arm : Heavy, thick and very muscular. It is slightly longer than the shoulder blade. The scapulo-humeral angle (between the shoulder blade and the arm) is between 115 and 120 degrees .
Forearm : Muscular and clean. Slightly longer than the arm. It should be practically perpendicular to the ground.
Elbow : Close to body - neither in nor out.
Metacarpus (Pastern) : Solid while maintaining a certain flexibility, slightly oblique (between 15 and 20 degrees from the vertical).
Feet : Rather round, toes tight, pads firm, toenails short.
HINDQUARTERS : Limbs well poised and parallel when seen from behind.
Thigh : Important with thick and bulging muscles. It should be slanted between 70 and 75 degrees from the horizontal.
Lower thigh : Very slightly longer than the thigh with clean, bulging muscles. Broad in the upper part, diminishing gradually in size towards its junction with the hock. The angle between the upper thigh and lower thigh is close to 130 degrees.
Hock : Clean, with visible tendons.
Metatarsus (Rear pastern) : Solid, nearly vertical when seen from the side.
Feet : Longer than the forefeet, while maintaining the same characteristics.
SKIN : Fine, tight fitting and well pigmented.
HAIR : The coat is fine but not silky, lying flat on the body or with a hint of a wave. Never curly. Short on the head and the front of the limbs. The hind part of the latter has a heavier coat, furnished with abundant feathering, diminishing along their length down to the carpus (wrist) or the tarsus (hock), or even lower.
COLOUR : White and orange, white and black, white and liver, with more or less extensive irregular white patches. Piobald or roan, sometimes with ticking on the top and sides of the muzzle or the limbs.
Equally, in the case of tricolour coats, with tan spotting (orange to dark tan) on the top and sides of the muzzle, over the eyes, on the limbs, on the chest and over the base of the tail.
A narrow blaze is desirable with any colour of coat.
A self coloured coat is not allowed.
Heitght at the wither :
Males : 48 cm minimum (18,9 ’’) with a tolerance of 1 cm (0,4 ’’).
51 cm maximum (20,1 ’’) with a tolerance of 1 cm (0,4 ’’).
Ideal height : 49 to 50 cm (19,3 ’’ to 19,7 ’’).
Females : 47 cm minimum (18,5 ’’) with a tolerance of 1 cm (0,4 ’’).
50 cm maximum (20,1 ’’) with a tolerance of 1 cm (0,4 ’’).
Ideal height : 48 to 49 cm (18,9 ’’ to 19,3 ’’).
• Head planes : Somewhat divergent.
• Nose : Very slightly depigmented, interior of the nostrils depigmented.
• Teeth : Pincer bite, teeth out of line.
• Muzzle : Pinched or snipy.
• Lips : Heavy, pendulous, upper lip covering the lower either insufficiently or excessively.
• Eyes : Prominent, round or almond shaped.
• Ears : Hung too low or falling away too shaprly
• Back : Arched or saddle back.
• Croup : Too narrow or falling away too sharply.
• Abdomen : Bulky or too tucked up (whippety).
• Feet : Splayed, too round or too long.
• Neck : Heavy and lacking reach. Throatiness.
• Loin : Long, narrow, weak.
• Flank : Too hollow, often accompanied by a weak loin lacking breadth.
• Limbs : Insufficient bone. Out at the elbows, pigeon toed, slew feet.
• Coat : Not heavy enough on the body.
• Behaviour : Sluggish .
• Skull : Zygomatic arches too prominent, stop very pronounced, superciliary arches too prominent.
• Eyes : Light, mean look, haw-like expression.
• Neck : Excessively long, distinct dewlap.
• Gait : Poor mover.
• Any fault in temperament such as : snapping, aggressiveness towards dog or man, excessive shyness.
• Lack of type : Insufficient breed characteristics, which means the animal on the whole doesn’t resemble other samples of the breed.
• Height : Outside the limits defined by the standard.
• Head planes : Marked convergence.
• Abnormal markings : White spot on the ear or eye in a white patch.
• Eyes : Very light in colour, heterochromia (eyes of different colours), squinting entropion, ectropion.
• Jaws : Overshot or undershot mouth.
• Teeth : The first premolars of both jaws and the last molars of the lower jaw are considered without importance. Can only be admitted the absence of 2 PM2 or 1 PM2 and 1 PM3. Contiguous absence of these two teeth (PM2 and PM3) is eliminating. Absence of any other tooth is eliminating.
• Pigmentation : Distinct unpigmented areas on the nose or eyelids.
• Presence of dewclaws, even if rudimentary.
• Serious morphological anomaly.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.
N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
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English Pointer
1 on 07/09/1998
Origin: UK
Date of publication of the valid original standard: 24.06.1987 on
Purpose of Breed: Dog, Pointing
Classification FCI: Group 7 - Dogs working with stand
Section 2 - British and Irish dogs, working with a stand, and Setter
With working trial
Proportionate and well developed in every dog. The main lines are a series of elegant curves. Healthy in appearance, but flexible.
Behaviour and temperament:
Aristocratic. Watch the impression of strength, endurance and speed. By nature a calm temper.
Skull: Of medium width in proportion to the length of the snout. Clear oktsipitalna bone.
Stop: Clearly pronounced.
Front part:
Nose: Dark, but may be lighter in the case of lemon and white colored dogs. Nostrils are wide, soft and moist.
Muzzle: To some extent, concave, and the end of the level of the nostrils with a slight "chinieviden" view.
Lips: Well developed, soft.
Jaw / Teeth: Jaws strong with perfect regular and complete scissor bite, ie upper incisors found in many lower close contact and are located perpendicular to the jaws.
Cheeks: The cheekbones are not prominent.
Eyes: equidistant from the head and nose with a kindly and radiant expression. The eyes are hazel-colored according to coat color. Neither protruding nor wide open or looking below the nose. Ocular edges are dark, but may be lighter in the case of lemon and white colored dogs.
Ears: thin skin, relatively high set, hanging, prilegnali head, moderately long, slightly tapered at their ends.
Long, muscular, slightly arched, clean and coupled to the shoulder without sagging skin on the neck.
Loin: Strongly muscled and slightly arched. Short Cross.
Breasts: As wide as necessary to ensure sufficient space for the heart. Located below the level of elbows. Ribs well sprung and carried well back, gradually tapering to the Loin
Medium length, thick at the base, thinning to the top. Dog keep it level on the back without it winds up. When moving, the tail should be waving from side to side.
Front legs:
The front legs are straight and solid, with rather oval bones strong and visible tendons behind.
Shoulders: Long, sloping and well back.
Wrist: flush with the front limbs and shape of a light projection from inside.
Pastern: A long, strong and flexible. Slightly bent.
Very muscular.
Hips: Hip bones are quite large and curved, but do not go back level.
Thighs: Good width of the hips.
Elbows: A rotation.
Podbedra: Good width.
Hocks: Low located.
Oval, with tightly retracted arched toes and well pads.
Smooth and powerful gait. Moves Backward impulses, elbows are not bent or out, or inward.
HAIR: Fine, short, strong and evenly spaced, perfectly smooth and straight, with unquestionable brilliance.
Color: The usual colors are white with lemon, orange and white, hazelnut and white, and black and white. Trichromatic colored coat and are also eligible.
Height at withers (recommended):
Male English poynter 63-69 cm
Female English Pointer 61-66 cm
Any deviation from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and to be treated in exact proportion to its size and impact on health and welfare of the dog.
Any dog with a pronounced physical or behavioral abnormalities will be diakvalifitsirano.
Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
Origin: UK.
Date of publication of the original valid standard: 24.06.1987.
USE: Pointing dogs.
Classification F.C.I. : Group 7 Pointing Dogs.
Section 2.2
British and Irish workers stand Dogs, Setter.
With working trial.
GENERAL appearance: It is characterized by medium stature, slight build with a prolonged clean and smooth lines and elegant stance.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Its beautiful appearance, susceptibility to his training and his strong affection and "gentility" make a home desirable companion.
Chapter: The head is moderately long and dry.
Stop: pronounced stop.
Facial area:
Nose: Color black nose, or under color of coloration. Nostrils wide open.
Muzzle: moderately deep and fairly square, from stop to point of nose should be equal to the length of skull from occiput to eyes.
Lips: Not too pendulous.
Jaws and teeth: The jaw is strong and almost equal in length with a scissor bite. Eyes: dark brown to tamnokehlibareni. Eyes oval.
Ears: Moderate length niskopostaveni.
Door: - long, slightly curved in the upper third.
Body: Moderate length.
Breasts: good depth and width between. Ribs well rounded
Extremity: Limbs are straight and relatively long, well muscled, healthy joints.
Front legs:straight and solid, with rather oval bone, with strong and visible tendons behind.
Shoulders: Inclined and finiLapi: compact and dense, with gathered toe with hair between them.
Hindquarters:Wide, well rounded, very muscular.
Tail:Medium length, thick at the base, thinning to the top. The tail is well covered with thick hair. Dog keep it level on the back without it winds up. When moving, the tail should be waving from side to side.
Movement: Freedom of movement and sound, suggesting speed and endurance. Freedom of movement shows powerful drive of the hindquarters.
Hair:long, silky, slightly wavy on the ears, back of legs, and especially abundant in the queue.
Color: black and white (blue belton), orange and white (orange belton), lemon and white (lemon belton), black and white (black belton) or tricolor.
Male English Setter: 65-68 cm (25,5-27 and).
Female Angliiski Setter: 61-65 cm (24-25,5 and).
NOTE standard committee: «Belton» is a common term used to describe a distinctive color-marking of English Setter. Belton is a village in Northumberland. This expression is created and distribution is carried out by English Setter book written by Mr. Edward Lavarack, the breeder who had preponderating influence over the actual image of the breed.
Note: Any deviation from the above points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded more accurately should be proportionate to the degree and impact on health and welfare of the dog.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities shall be disqualified.
Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.
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hunting scopes
hunting scopes
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bow hunting
bow hunting
Carabine Sabatti
Rover 600 is a bolt action rifle with the structural features of Rover 870, but with short action and detachable magazine.
It is available in the following calibers:
cal. 222 Rem. - Cal. 222 Rem. Mag. - Cal. 223 Rem. - Cal. 6 mm PPC - cal. 6 mm PPC USA - cal. 7,62 x39.
The Rover 600 DL is a different from the basic model only for the very fine selected walnut stock, with full bavarian checkpiece; hand checkered and oil finished.
This single barrel big-game hunting rifle is equipped with a control device for independent hand cocking of the firing pin. This mechanism allows the hunter to always keep the firing pin uncocked - even when the gun is loaded - and to set it up quickly when he wants to shoot.
The very strong action is forged out of a solid block of chrome-nickel steel and accurately machined.
The finest available chrome-molybdenum steel is used to create these hight-precision barrels by a cold hammer forging process.
Two lumps and double-locking system guaranty greater strength and reliability.
The ROVER 870 M - LEFT HAND - is a new bolt action rifle integrally manufactured for left hand shooters. All the features and the calibers are the same as those described for the model Rover 870 DL, however, the bolt, the action, the stock and all the main components have been designed and manufactured for left hand shooters.
Verney-Carron Impact Plus
Overall length: 105 cm (Battue), 113 cm (Affut), 114 cm (Take Down)
WEIGHT: 3 kg (Battue), 3,150 kg (Affut), 3,350 kg (Take Down)
Tubes: high notched 52 cm (Battue) and 60 cm (Affut) and (Take Down), floating;
Trigger: Adjustable weight set trigger optional (standard on Take-Down);
LOCKING: 3 screws directly into the barrel;
Piece of timber: Elected, polished and impregnated and curved walnut. Bavarian nabuznik
Finish: Black, matt;
Ejector: ejector Two piston;
MERNIKOVA SYSTEM: Batu rib (Battue) or sight (Affut and Take Down), adjustable front sight with fiber-optic "Optimum INFAILLIBLE";
Magazine: Removable metal with a capacity of 3 rounds;
Turns ON Strap: detachable;
KALIBAR: 7x64, 300 Win Mag, 9,3 x62, 270 WSM, 7mm;
Optics: punt open head metal screws.
Caliber | 7x64 | 7mm Rem.Mag | 300 Win. Mag | 30-06 | 270 WSM | 9,3 x62 | 300WSM |
Clip | Removable metal cartridge for 3 | ||||||
Take down model | 55TDA764 | 55TDA7RM | 55TDA300 | 55TDA3006 | 55TDA270WSM | 55TDA9362 | 55TDA300WSM |
Caliber | 7x64 | 300 Win.Mag | 270 WSM | 7mm Rem.Mag | 30-06 | 9,3 x62 | 300WSM |
Clip | 3 rounds | 2 rounds | 3 rounds | 3 rounds | |||
Model Battuel | 55BA764 | 55BA300 | 55BA270WSM | 55BA7RM | 55BA3006 | 55BA9362 | 55BA300WSM |
Model Affût | 55AF764 | 55AF300 | 55AF270WSM | 55AF7RM | 55AF3006 | 55AF9362 |
FCI-Standard N° 98 / 23.10.2002 / GB
(German Wirehaired Pointer)
ORIGIN: Germany.
UTILIZATION: According to his purpose of a versatile working gundog the German Wirehaired Pointer must possess all the dispositions asked for the breed. He must be usable for all the work in the field, in the woods and in water before and after the shot.
CLASSIFICATION F.C.I.: Group 7 Pointing Dogs.
Section 1.1 Continental Pointing
With working trial.
BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The Deutsch Drahthaar is a rough coated pointing dog whose initial breeding started at the end of the 19th century (Griffon Korthals), and that has been systematically bred from the beginning of this century based on the ideas of „Hegewald“ (Sigismund Freiherr von Zedlitz and Neukirch) with the sealed aim of creating an assertive, efficient wirehaired German gundog. In accordance with the principle of „by working ability to type“ and with consequent regard to freedom of breeding, within a short time a gundog has been developed from the best of the rough coated types (Pudelpointer, Griffon Korthals, German Broken Coated Pointing Dog) and by using the German Shorthaired Pointer, that excels through his useful weatherproof coat and his versatility in all fields of practical hunting. Due to these characteristics, the Deutsch Drahthaar within a few decades has developed to become the most popular and well-tried among the large gundog breeds in Germany as well as in many countries of the world.
GENERAL APPEARANCE: A pointing dog of noble appearance, with harsh coat completely protecting the skin, with an attentive expression full of energy. The movement should be powerful, ground covering, flowing and harmonious.
IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The length of the body and the height at the withers should be as equal as possible. The length of the body may exceed the height at the withers by up to 3 cm.
BEHAVIOUR / TEMPERAMENT: Firm, self-controlled, well-balanced, without shyness of game, neither sensitive when shots are fired nor shy or aggressive.
HEAD: In proportion to the size and the sex of the dog. Lines of head slightly diverging.
Skull: Flat, slightly rounded at the sides only, moderately broad, pronounced superciliary ridges.
Stop: Clearly visibly pronounced.
Nose: Strongly pigmented corresponding to the colour of the coat. Nostrils well opened.
Muzzle: Long, broad, strong, deep. Slight roman nose.
Lips: Thick, close-fitting, not overhanging. Well pigmented corresponding to the colour of the coat.
Jaws / teeth: Large teeth. Powerful jaws with a regular, complete scissor bite with the upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. 42 teeth according to the dentition formula.
Eyes: As dark as possible, neither too deep-set nor protruding, with an alert, lively expression. Eyerims well pigmented and close-fitting.
Ears: Of medium size, set on high and wide, not twisted.
NECK: Of medium length, strongly muscled; slightly arched napeline, clean cut throat, no dewlap.
Topline: Slightly sloping from the withers in a straight line.
Withers: Pronounced.
Back: Firm, well muscled.
Loins: Short, broad, muscular loin region.
Croup: Long and broad, slightly sloping and well muscled. Broad pelvis.
Chest: Broad and deep with well developed forechest, the breastbone reaching as far back as possible. Ribs well arched.
Underline and belly: Slight tuck-up towards the rear in an elegant curve.
TAIL: Following the topline, carried as horizontally as possible or slightly raised, but not steep. Neither too thick nor too thin. Docked for the hunting purposes. (In countries where docking is prohibited by law, the tail may be left natural. It should reach to the hocks and should be carried straight or slightly sabre-like.)
FOREQUARTERS: Viewed from the front, straight and parallel, viewed from the side, legs set well under the body. The distance from the elbows to the ground to be approximately equal to the distance from the elbows to the withers.
Shoulders: Well laid-back, sloping shoulder blade, strongly muscled. Forming a good angle together with the upper arm.
Upper arm: As long as possible, with well developed, lean muscles.
Elbows: Close to the body, neither turning in nor out. Good angulation between upper arm and forearm.
Forearm: Lean, set perpendicular, strong bones.
Carpal joint: Strong.
Pasterns: Slightly sloping.
Front feet: Oval-round with well-knit toes and sufficiently thick, tough, robust and well-pigmented pads. They are set parallel, neither turning in nor out in stance or when moving.
HINDQUARTERS: Viewed from behind, straight and parallel. Well angulated at the stifles and the hocks. Strong bones.
Upper thigh: Long, broad, muscular, with good angulation between pelvis and upper thigh.
Stifle: Strong, with good angulation between upper and lower thigh.
Lower thigh: Long, muscular and sinewy.
Hocks: Short, perpendicular to the ground.
Hind feet: Oval-round with well-knit toes and sufficiently thick, tough, robust and well-pigmented pads. They are set parallel in stance and when moving, turning neither in nor out.
GAIT / MOVEMENT: Covering lots of ground, with good reach and drive, parallel coming and going; with upstanding posture.
SKIN: Tight, close-fitting, without folds.
HAIR: Wirehaired harsh, flat lying and dense. Outer coat approximately 2 to 4 cm long; dense, waterresistant undercoat. The outlines of the body may not be obscured by longer coat. Through its harshness and density it should provide as good protection against weather and injuries as possible. The lower parts of the legs, as well as the lower region of the brisket and the belly, should be shorter but densely coated, the head and the ears to be shorter and at the same time denser but never softer coated. Pronounced eyebrows and a well developed not too long, as harsh as possible beard emphasise the determined expression.
- Brown roan with or without patches.
- Black roan, with or without patches.
- Brown with or without white chest patch.
- Light roan.
No other colour is permitted.
SIZE: Height at withers: Dogs: 61 to 68 cm.
Bitches: 57 to 64 cm.
FAULTS: Any departure of the foregoing points must be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.
· Short or narrow or pointed muzzle.
· Weak dentition.
· Very loose eyelids.
· Swayback or roach back.
· Heavily overbuilt.
· Elbows heavily turning in or out.
· Bandy-legged, cow hocked or close behind, in stance as well as in movement.
- Pacing permanently when stepping or trotting, stiff or mincing gait.
- Sparce coat, lacking undercoat.
- Any kind of weak temperament, especially gun or game shyness, aggressiveness, nervousness; fear biter.
· Over- or undershot bite, wry mouth, missing teeth other than P1, the canines being set too narrow.
- Entropion, ectropion, differently coloured eyes.
- Innate kinky or stumpy tail.
- Faulty pigment.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.