
English Pointer

1 on 07/09/1998
Origin: UK

Date of publication of the valid original standard: 24.06.1987 on
Purpose of Breed: Dog, Pointing
Classification FCI: Group 7 - Dogs working with stand
Section 2 - British and Irish dogs, working with a stand, and Setter
With working trial
Proportionate and well developed in every dog. The main lines are a series of elegant curves. Healthy in appearance, but flexible.
Behaviour and temperament:
Aristocratic. Watch the impression of strength, endurance and speed. By nature a calm temper.
Skull: Of medium width in proportion to the length of the snout. Clear oktsipitalna bone.
Stop: Clearly pronounced.
Front part:
Nose: Dark, but may be lighter in the case of lemon and white colored dogs. Nostrils are wide, soft and moist.
Muzzle: To some extent, concave, and the end of the level of the nostrils with a slight "chinieviden" view.
Lips: Well developed, soft.
Jaw / Teeth: Jaws strong with perfect regular and complete scissor bite, ie upper incisors found in many lower close contact and are located perpendicular to the jaws.
Cheeks: The cheekbones are not prominent.
Eyes: equidistant from the head and nose with a kindly and radiant expression. The eyes are hazel-colored according to coat color. Neither protruding nor wide open or looking below the nose. Ocular edges are dark, but may be lighter in the case of lemon and white colored dogs.
Ears: thin skin, relatively high set, hanging, prilegnali head, moderately long, slightly tapered at their ends.
Long, muscular, slightly arched, clean and coupled to the shoulder without sagging skin on the neck.
Loin: Strongly muscled and slightly arched. Short Cross.
Breasts: As wide as necessary to ensure sufficient space for the heart. Located below the level of elbows. Ribs well sprung and carried well back, gradually tapering to the Loin
Medium length, thick at the base, thinning to the top. Dog keep it level on the back without it winds up. When moving, the tail should be waving from side to side.
Front legs:
The front legs are straight and solid, with rather oval bones strong and visible tendons behind.
Shoulders: Long, sloping and well back.
Wrist: flush with the front limbs and shape of a light projection from inside.
Pastern: A long, strong and flexible. Slightly bent.
Very muscular.
Hips: Hip bones are quite large and curved, but do not go back level.
Thighs: Good width of the hips.
Elbows: A rotation.
Podbedra: Good width.
Hocks: Low located.
Oval, with tightly retracted arched toes and well pads.
Smooth and powerful gait. Moves Backward impulses, elbows are not bent or out, or inward.
HAIR: Fine, short, strong and evenly spaced, perfectly smooth and straight, with unquestionable brilliance.
Color: The usual colors are white with lemon, orange and white, hazelnut and white, and black and white. Trichromatic colored coat and are also eligible.
Height at withers (recommended):
Male English poynter 63-69 cm
Female English Pointer 61-66 cm
Any deviation from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and to be treated in exact proportion to its size and impact on health and welfare of the dog.
Any dog with a pronounced physical or behavioral abnormalities will be diakvalifitsirano.
Note: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.