KRYPTONYTE laser systems | |
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KRYPTONYTE system includes: • Green 532nm Laser Bore Sighter / .51 -. 75 Caliber Adapter |
LaserLyte Kryptonyte Green Laser Bore Sighter
Here we look at control system Optical Fire LaserLyte Kryptonyte Green Laser Bore Sighter . With this system setup optics it is possible to regulate optitseski sights of hunting rifles with a caliber of .22 to .75 with this system you will save a lot of patrons who would iztrelyali on target if your shooting optics. The so-called cold prostrelka is at times accurate and much easier to use dosegashniti methods. C LaserLyte Kryptonyte Green Laser Bore Sighter you will be able to accurately leveling your optics and optics to center nearest milimetri.Takava laser produces a red and green laser beam as a green beam is 100 times more visible to the human eye than traditional red lasers.

The next video shows how easy manual adjustment of laser weapon system.