The red deer is distributed throughout Western, Central and Central Europe and the European part of the Soviet Union - Caucasus, Crimea and Central and East Asia and others. At Home in the XVIII and XIX century alongside deforestation it was wholesale destruction and only through his art displacement now occurs throughout the country in the Balkan, Central forest Strandja, Rhodope, Rila, Sakar, Osogovo the forest of Dobrudja, etc. Ludogorie. He prefers tall deciduous and mixed forests in which there is abundant subforest soft and deciduous trees and shrubs. In coniferous be forfeited kagoto subforest is rich in deciduous species.Red deer form flocks in summer are smaller, and in winter exceed 20-30 and more copies. They broke through the mating period and after completing his form again.
The coat of red deer in summer is reddish-brown in winter - gray-brown. In the abdomen, inside the legs and around his tail in the mirror prevailing unclean gray-white color. Patchy colored calf - on the basic red-brown background, with 4-5 stand under bright spots.
The deer mating season is from late August to mid-October. In the early stag roar at night and at dawn and in the midst of svatbuvaneto - throughout the night. Among them usually result in fierce battles, while often end with the killing of the weaker opponent.
Hind also calved pregnancy lasts about 8 months. In May or early June it is expressed and obscured born one, rarely two young, which leave one week after his mother and began to graze, but will continue to suck until fall.
Sexual maturity occurs in the hind also calved two years, and the elk - the age of three.
Deer, especially smaller ones, are attacked by wolves and foxes, which in deep snow and frozen easily caught up. The red deer is herbivores. Foods with leaves and twigs of tree and shrub species of wild fruit apples and pears, with oak and beech acorns, grasses, mushrooms, wheat, beet, corn, potatoes and others who seek the morning and evening, but sometimes in night. Drink much water. Can cause damage to sensitive agricultural and forestry crops.
He is cautious and shy. There is a strong sense of smell and hearing. The male loves to Callao for refreshment and to protect from annoying flies and mosquitoes. Grown, mature deer, long 2-2,5 meters. Reaches a height of 1.5 m and weight about 230 kg. Kossuth are lighter and smaller.
Horns, which privilege of male hair loss every year: at launch in February-March, a young later - in April and even in May. The formation of new antlers begin immediately. For growth, they are covered with film, rich in blood vessels supplying them liberally with the necessary building substances, mainly calcium and phosphorus increased so quickly. Under normal conditions in early July horns are already fully developed. Then the elk auction them on the bark of trees and their skin starts to peel of rags.
Deer horns are thick and are produced by bone. Depending on the age they vary in shape and size. The years do not correspond to the number of spikes.
Among male calf horns start to appear next year after birth in February. Then head to form stalks - small bumps covered with fur, horns on which are formed by spikes and drop off two years old.
Then began the formation of the second horn, which is splitting - the so-called emergence. eye knot, but most remain in its original form or each horn is formed by three bolts. They drop off in March-April next year. Further develop and other studs, while the crown is formed that has different forms. Depending on the health of the deer and the natural conditions of growth of horns can stop or even reverse. Among adults 12-13 years after deer degenerate and lose its normal shape and size.
Normal trophies are wide, thick, with good long pearls and studs. Heft of reaching 15 kg. The red deer live to 25 years. In nature normally reach 15-16 years.
The number of these beautiful forest dwellers is to 23 000. Acute selection, which takes place over the last few years, affects between 1 000 and 1 200 copies a year. It is directed mainly to inappropriate breeding elk, old Hindu, wounded, sick and mature trophy fish.
The red deer are fighting with bullets. The hunter must have binoculars in order to better assess whether the observed animal is suitable for acute or not.
Hunting these animals is only through selective lurking, stalking and enticement. They hunt at dusk is when the deer leave their nest in search of grazing, or early morning when I return from grazing. Good results are obtained after the rain. Then the water that drips from the trees, disturb animals and forced them to leave earlier over fields, meadows and open areas.
One of the most important conditions for this method of hunting is to choose a suitable place for lurking. If there is no natural Stealth, it is the place to be marked with several branches. To avoid the adverse influence of the so-called. podvetryavane in practice to use high-waiting. In no case, however, should not be fired for monitoring of waiting near feeders as to frighten deer and drive away from their region.
Hunting of red deer stalking is very nice, but difficult. The hunter must be well known places for the animals and pladnuvane varvishtata them.
Success depends on whether it will open at the first animal, or it will feel it and escape. Therefore the movement should be done quietly, against the wind, especially in mountainous terrain, where deer often changes direction depending on the configuration.
In addition walking can be a simple and izdebnat lumbery car. This is very easy in the old izredneni visokostalbeni plantations. For this purpose, the car moves through the forest where the object is found, the hunter jumps unnoticed and hides behind a tree or shrub. Once the car away, it can target and shoot. If this is done directly from the car is naplashva game and then could hardly be closer.
Tempting to apply during the wedding period. Hunter imitates the roar of the little beetle to attract a strong and to arouse jealousy. For this purpose, the so-called inflated. tritonova shell. At its peak it has an opening through which sound passes, expanding and narrowing of another hole, which is adjusted by hand, attach the appropriate intonations of the roar. This instrument is played and victorious roar of elk in the triumph over the enemy. This causes tricked to move closer. Use other special whistles.
Catcher by enticement requires great care and experience not only the reproduction of the roar, but for roughly and attract elk without chase females.
Hunting ethics required to shoot accurately and hitting game on the ground. Often happens wounded deer will go some distance to die without being detected. Since the trophy, meat and skin are valuable, such waste is reprehensible. It is necessary to know the following rules:
Red deer fight hunting rifle, equipped with an optical device, a distance not exceeding 150m. When he stands across the hunter weighed it in my side. If the bullet struck the shoulder in the middle and the heart, the animal jumps up and falls. Shock above bullet torn lung and deer, jumping, probyagva some distance and a parade because his lungs are filled with blood and he suffocates. Defeat in the spinal cord paralyzing the animal and it remained in place. Neck shots are deadly, but risky, while those in the head - dangerous to consume the trophies. Hits in the extremities, pelvis and thighs are not dangerous for the animal and it is possible not only to escape but after a while to recover.
The location of the terrain where injured animal must be well remembered and there to put a sign to facilitate further inquiry. If necessary, can be used even specially trained dog looking for a bloody trail. Search should begin at the earliest 2-3 hours after wounding, to wait for deer to drain and fall closer, but not later than 12 hours, tie the dog lost track.
The most suitable season for hunting deer with trophy goal is the period from 1 September to late October, when the quality of the horns are the best.* * *Deer is considered one of the most beautiful wild animals because it has a noble appearance and consistent gait. The male has a very beautiful horns. It is called q o a d h and female - k y t o t a. What beats the eye at first sight yet, is that front of his body is much more developed than the rear. This feature of high deer and its thin legs enable it to run hard and long.Brown color of the fur on his back in summer is reddish and gray in winter. This color varies differently, but sometimes - and almost whitish. As part of the neck and his back has a dark stripe. On the back of his thighs to form yellowish-white "mirror", surrounded by a dark stripe. The coat has small white spots before her first hair loss. Removal of hair is both deer. Winter coat of hair loss is not sudden but gradual. Therefore, spring deer looks ragged.Head of male deer have large and highly branched horns. The neck is long and in the male is covered with long hair - mane. The tail is drab, very short and conical.Horns of the male and fall off each year as new ride. As the time approached to fall, the relationship with their front appendages becomes weaker and finally horns or fall alone, or punch in a tree. Further growth of the horns and going for deer. Once the horns get its final shape and size, the blood stops invaded skin covering them. It dries and starts to peel into strips. Then accelerates deer debarking her as his horns o Julie stems of trees. At the same time with his feet he dig the ground around the tree roots. This applied to large deer damage to trees, because not only peel the bark, but his heart breaks and the tree dies. At the height of these injuries and digging up the earth experienced observer yield many correct conclusions on the size and strength of the deer and the size of its horns.Deer horns are branched. In the beginning they increase each year with one branch. But later the number of tips of the horns is not increased or increased incorrect. Therefore, antlers, especially when they become a couple can not sue the true age of the deer. Right fork goes to the seventh year, then in further incorrect branching receive most of the top 9-10 and occasionally more. Then such a deer say he is devetovrah etc.Deer horns are used for decoration for chandeliers and other objects, so appreciate too expensive. Their length is usually around 80-120 centimeters, rarely to 130 cm and the weight they are 5-8 kg and less 10-12 kg.In our deer prefer forest clearings and densely overgrown forest meadows and marshes. In other countries, however, as in Scotland, deer live in the bare mountains, there have long grass.Deer grazing out more at night. Sometimes it comes out of the woods and pastures and fields kraygorskite. Foods with leaf buds of beech and oak zheladi, grass. Attacked near the forest and vegetables. Winter moss eat or nibble young saplings or bark of trees. This disadvantage of afforestation. As winter comes, he comes home in the dense parts of the forest.Deer usually live singly. If form herds, consisting of 5 to 8 animals, which are usually mothers with their cubs. Sometimes weaker males running with the herd, which disbanded when mating season came.Even at their normal gait deer move rather quickly, and running up in lightning speed, as cancellation neck backwards to put horns on his back, not hinder it. If the road to greet his obstacles, he overcomes them easily and can even swim wide rivers. In Norway, for example, cases were observed where deer swim across the sea are the fjords, 4-5 km wide.Elena has a strong vision, smell and hearing. You can sense the sound of a man at a distance over 600 feet. When the herd grazes, always an observer keeper. If the herd is a male guard is one of the most powerful reindeer. If the herd is mixed, then the keeper is the adult female deer hind.Deer leads mnogobrachen life. When you begin the mating season, males are separated if they were in one flock, and start looking female herds. For the male lead hind also calved fierce struggles among themselves, which often end with the death of both rivals. They strike with their horns or blend them so that they can not separate them and then fall to the ground and die of hunger. Skulls are often found intertwined with horns.Once the male finds the female herd, he razgonva young males and females strongly pursued by them podgonva any glade. If there is a swamp, lie in it and all is natsapva with mud. Then did begin to chase the herd, as it sometimes drives to one side, then it ahead, then return it to the other. During the mating period male issue special sounds to females, also with a particular sound is male recall.Fertilization is the end of October or early November. Then again deer gather in herds of peaceful living. After a pregnancy of about 10 months the female gives birth in May or June at a time, but rarely two small that almost no enemies other than man and wolf. In the early days small unable to move, lying in one place and the mother hardly be separated from them. After the pass, they are constantly moving with her mother. In case of danger, the mother issued a special shout out different tricks and seeks to alleviate the enemy. Naturalist Some have observed that when female to which graze along with their little, came a hunter with dogs, then it stands right and the body shuts few. This lasts only a few moments, then suddenly the few to run away so that the body of the mother concealed him from view of the enemy. Once away and is close to the dogs, the mother suddenly hitruva and flees in the opposite direction, pretending to be lame and even leaves her dogs ponastignat.

Then he quickly avoided and went to seek her little.Although deer in nature is cowardly, as in marriage or zastaree period is evil and even attacked people.Deer are the enemies of the wolf, lynx and bear less. Especially wolves killed many deer, because the whole packs attacking their flocks.Footsteps of deer are easily distinguished from the footsteps of other animals in their correct size and almost heart-roundness. In their length and width can easily and accurately determine the size and age of deer.Deer live on average about 20 years in zoos but deer are also reached 30 to 36 years. Body length is an average of 2-2.30 m, tail - 15 cm, height - 1.20-1.50 m and the weight - on average about 160-200 kg.Earlier deer was very common in Europe, but because of his excessive killing of many places he appears very rarely and in some countries is quite extinct.While small, easily opitomyava deer, and if zastaree becomes angry and aggressive. And feral easily bring young people and to become credulous. One case recently made a strong impression on people and create a pleasant entertainment izletnitsite Knyazhevo village near Sofia. In the national park Vitosha has elenorazvadnik. Since last year a young male deer learn to go down to the outskirts of Knyazhevo. Izletnitsite used to, he ceased to be afraid of them, slowly came into the village and started to walk freely in the streets. And began to make mischief in the shops with vegetables and fruit such as boiling snout anywhere, although all were chasing him. So he baptized "hooligan." So they knew it all izletnitsi in Vitosha. And began to make mischief in gardens and yards, leaping over fences as a minor."Hooligan" and get familiar with the children, who gathered a crowd around him and enjoyed. He knew them well and let him caress and play with it. If a child tried to put it once guided their sharp horns to it and hunt, but not running and not hanging the other children. He was accustomed to eating bread from the hands of children and adults, and loved sugar and sweets. Izletnitsite when some began to give the cakes and muffins, he knew that were delicious, and no longer wanted bread.In this "bully" began stands indirect in the middle of the road, away to the village, sometimes only to Pavlov. Stand and not move, even if it approached a car. Driver blew his vain to frighten him. Forced to turn in their cars, without it their attention and tear.Sometimes stood between planted trees and stood motionless for a long time that some thought it put there for a large bronze statue.Because it was quite alienated from the other deer, and returned up between them, they no longer knew him and chasing him. So he drove himself and never returned to their. Forced to close it not to wander, but prison life it destroyed. It crashed, lose heart. Even his hair quite pooredya. Believed that it will no longer be and wondered what to do. His thirst for freedom iztoshtazhashe it. Recently, however, he was again released. Again began to descend to the village and enjoy thousands of friends who welcomed him with joy. Recently, however, operas and the train and crushed beze.In our country, except through Strandja and Burgas, deer and even occurs in the Balkan Mountains - Klissurski, Teteven, Kotel, Central Gora - Bogdan, Rila, Rodopi and elsewhere. Hunting deer is prohibited in our country. Caught small to be transmitted to the nearest Forestry and hunting companies to send in hunting salmon.
The coat of red deer in summer is reddish-brown in winter - gray-brown. In the abdomen, inside the legs and around his tail in the mirror prevailing unclean gray-white color. Patchy colored calf - on the basic red-brown background, with 4-5 stand under bright spots.
The deer mating season is from late August to mid-October. In the early stag roar at night and at dawn and in the midst of svatbuvaneto - throughout the night. Among them usually result in fierce battles, while often end with the killing of the weaker opponent.
Hind also calved pregnancy lasts about 8 months. In May or early June it is expressed and obscured born one, rarely two young, which leave one week after his mother and began to graze, but will continue to suck until fall.
Sexual maturity occurs in the hind also calved two years, and the elk - the age of three.
Deer, especially smaller ones, are attacked by wolves and foxes, which in deep snow and frozen easily caught up. The red deer is herbivores. Foods with leaves and twigs of tree and shrub species of wild fruit apples and pears, with oak and beech acorns, grasses, mushrooms, wheat, beet, corn, potatoes and others who seek the morning and evening, but sometimes in night. Drink much water. Can cause damage to sensitive agricultural and forestry crops.
He is cautious and shy. There is a strong sense of smell and hearing. The male loves to Callao for refreshment and to protect from annoying flies and mosquitoes. Grown, mature deer, long 2-2,5 meters. Reaches a height of 1.5 m and weight about 230 kg. Kossuth are lighter and smaller.
Horns, which privilege of male hair loss every year: at launch in February-March, a young later - in April and even in May. The formation of new antlers begin immediately. For growth, they are covered with film, rich in blood vessels supplying them liberally with the necessary building substances, mainly calcium and phosphorus increased so quickly. Under normal conditions in early July horns are already fully developed. Then the elk auction them on the bark of trees and their skin starts to peel of rags.
Deer horns are thick and are produced by bone. Depending on the age they vary in shape and size. The years do not correspond to the number of spikes.
Among male calf horns start to appear next year after birth in February. Then head to form stalks - small bumps covered with fur, horns on which are formed by spikes and drop off two years old.
Then began the formation of the second horn, which is splitting - the so-called emergence. eye knot, but most remain in its original form or each horn is formed by three bolts. They drop off in March-April next year. Further develop and other studs, while the crown is formed that has different forms. Depending on the health of the deer and the natural conditions of growth of horns can stop or even reverse. Among adults 12-13 years after deer degenerate and lose its normal shape and size.
Normal trophies are wide, thick, with good long pearls and studs. Heft of reaching 15 kg. The red deer live to 25 years. In nature normally reach 15-16 years.
The number of these beautiful forest dwellers is to 23 000. Acute selection, which takes place over the last few years, affects between 1 000 and 1 200 copies a year. It is directed mainly to inappropriate breeding elk, old Hindu, wounded, sick and mature trophy fish.
The red deer are fighting with bullets. The hunter must have binoculars in order to better assess whether the observed animal is suitable for acute or not.
Hunting these animals is only through selective lurking, stalking and enticement. They hunt at dusk is when the deer leave their nest in search of grazing, or early morning when I return from grazing. Good results are obtained after the rain. Then the water that drips from the trees, disturb animals and forced them to leave earlier over fields, meadows and open areas.
One of the most important conditions for this method of hunting is to choose a suitable place for lurking. If there is no natural Stealth, it is the place to be marked with several branches. To avoid the adverse influence of the so-called. podvetryavane in practice to use high-waiting. In no case, however, should not be fired for monitoring of waiting near feeders as to frighten deer and drive away from their region.
Hunting of red deer stalking is very nice, but difficult. The hunter must be well known places for the animals and pladnuvane varvishtata them.
Success depends on whether it will open at the first animal, or it will feel it and escape. Therefore the movement should be done quietly, against the wind, especially in mountainous terrain, where deer often changes direction depending on the configuration.
In addition walking can be a simple and izdebnat lumbery car. This is very easy in the old izredneni visokostalbeni plantations. For this purpose, the car moves through the forest where the object is found, the hunter jumps unnoticed and hides behind a tree or shrub. Once the car away, it can target and shoot. If this is done directly from the car is naplashva game and then could hardly be closer.
Tempting to apply during the wedding period. Hunter imitates the roar of the little beetle to attract a strong and to arouse jealousy. For this purpose, the so-called inflated. tritonova shell. At its peak it has an opening through which sound passes, expanding and narrowing of another hole, which is adjusted by hand, attach the appropriate intonations of the roar. This instrument is played and victorious roar of elk in the triumph over the enemy. This causes tricked to move closer. Use other special whistles.
Catcher by enticement requires great care and experience not only the reproduction of the roar, but for roughly and attract elk without chase females.
Hunting ethics required to shoot accurately and hitting game on the ground. Often happens wounded deer will go some distance to die without being detected. Since the trophy, meat and skin are valuable, such waste is reprehensible. It is necessary to know the following rules:
Red deer fight hunting rifle, equipped with an optical device, a distance not exceeding 150m. When he stands across the hunter weighed it in my side. If the bullet struck the shoulder in the middle and the heart, the animal jumps up and falls. Shock above bullet torn lung and deer, jumping, probyagva some distance and a parade because his lungs are filled with blood and he suffocates. Defeat in the spinal cord paralyzing the animal and it remained in place. Neck shots are deadly, but risky, while those in the head - dangerous to consume the trophies. Hits in the extremities, pelvis and thighs are not dangerous for the animal and it is possible not only to escape but after a while to recover.
The location of the terrain where injured animal must be well remembered and there to put a sign to facilitate further inquiry. If necessary, can be used even specially trained dog looking for a bloody trail. Search should begin at the earliest 2-3 hours after wounding, to wait for deer to drain and fall closer, but not later than 12 hours, tie the dog lost track.
The most suitable season for hunting deer with trophy goal is the period from 1 September to late October, when the quality of the horns are the best.* * *Deer is considered one of the most beautiful wild animals because it has a noble appearance and consistent gait. The male has a very beautiful horns. It is called q o a d h and female - k y t o t a. What beats the eye at first sight yet, is that front of his body is much more developed than the rear. This feature of high deer and its thin legs enable it to run hard and long.Brown color of the fur on his back in summer is reddish and gray in winter. This color varies differently, but sometimes - and almost whitish. As part of the neck and his back has a dark stripe. On the back of his thighs to form yellowish-white "mirror", surrounded by a dark stripe. The coat has small white spots before her first hair loss. Removal of hair is both deer. Winter coat of hair loss is not sudden but gradual. Therefore, spring deer looks ragged.Head of male deer have large and highly branched horns. The neck is long and in the male is covered with long hair - mane. The tail is drab, very short and conical.Horns of the male and fall off each year as new ride. As the time approached to fall, the relationship with their front appendages becomes weaker and finally horns or fall alone, or punch in a tree. Further growth of the horns and going for deer. Once the horns get its final shape and size, the blood stops invaded skin covering them. It dries and starts to peel into strips. Then accelerates deer debarking her as his horns o Julie stems of trees. At the same time with his feet he dig the ground around the tree roots. This applied to large deer damage to trees, because not only peel the bark, but his heart breaks and the tree dies. At the height of these injuries and digging up the earth experienced observer yield many correct conclusions on the size and strength of the deer and the size of its horns.Deer horns are branched. In the beginning they increase each year with one branch. But later the number of tips of the horns is not increased or increased incorrect. Therefore, antlers, especially when they become a couple can not sue the true age of the deer. Right fork goes to the seventh year, then in further incorrect branching receive most of the top 9-10 and occasionally more. Then such a deer say he is devetovrah etc.Deer horns are used for decoration for chandeliers and other objects, so appreciate too expensive. Their length is usually around 80-120 centimeters, rarely to 130 cm and the weight they are 5-8 kg and less 10-12 kg.In our deer prefer forest clearings and densely overgrown forest meadows and marshes. In other countries, however, as in Scotland, deer live in the bare mountains, there have long grass.Deer grazing out more at night. Sometimes it comes out of the woods and pastures and fields kraygorskite. Foods with leaf buds of beech and oak zheladi, grass. Attacked near the forest and vegetables. Winter moss eat or nibble young saplings or bark of trees. This disadvantage of afforestation. As winter comes, he comes home in the dense parts of the forest.Deer usually live singly. If form herds, consisting of 5 to 8 animals, which are usually mothers with their cubs. Sometimes weaker males running with the herd, which disbanded when mating season came.Even at their normal gait deer move rather quickly, and running up in lightning speed, as cancellation neck backwards to put horns on his back, not hinder it. If the road to greet his obstacles, he overcomes them easily and can even swim wide rivers. In Norway, for example, cases were observed where deer swim across the sea are the fjords, 4-5 km wide.Elena has a strong vision, smell and hearing. You can sense the sound of a man at a distance over 600 feet. When the herd grazes, always an observer keeper. If the herd is a male guard is one of the most powerful reindeer. If the herd is mixed, then the keeper is the adult female deer hind.Deer leads mnogobrachen life. When you begin the mating season, males are separated if they were in one flock, and start looking female herds. For the male lead hind also calved fierce struggles among themselves, which often end with the death of both rivals. They strike with their horns or blend them so that they can not separate them and then fall to the ground and die of hunger. Skulls are often found intertwined with horns.Once the male finds the female herd, he razgonva young males and females strongly pursued by them podgonva any glade. If there is a swamp, lie in it and all is natsapva with mud. Then did begin to chase the herd, as it sometimes drives to one side, then it ahead, then return it to the other. During the mating period male issue special sounds to females, also with a particular sound is male recall.Fertilization is the end of October or early November. Then again deer gather in herds of peaceful living. After a pregnancy of about 10 months the female gives birth in May or June at a time, but rarely two small that almost no enemies other than man and wolf. In the early days small unable to move, lying in one place and the mother hardly be separated from them. After the pass, they are constantly moving with her mother. In case of danger, the mother issued a special shout out different tricks and seeks to alleviate the enemy. Naturalist Some have observed that when female to which graze along with their little, came a hunter with dogs, then it stands right and the body shuts few. This lasts only a few moments, then suddenly the few to run away so that the body of the mother concealed him from view of the enemy. Once away and is close to the dogs, the mother suddenly hitruva and flees in the opposite direction, pretending to be lame and even leaves her dogs ponastignat.
Then he quickly avoided and went to seek her little.Although deer in nature is cowardly, as in marriage or zastaree period is evil and even attacked people.Deer are the enemies of the wolf, lynx and bear less. Especially wolves killed many deer, because the whole packs attacking their flocks.Footsteps of deer are easily distinguished from the footsteps of other animals in their correct size and almost heart-roundness. In their length and width can easily and accurately determine the size and age of deer.Deer live on average about 20 years in zoos but deer are also reached 30 to 36 years. Body length is an average of 2-2.30 m, tail - 15 cm, height - 1.20-1.50 m and the weight - on average about 160-200 kg.Earlier deer was very common in Europe, but because of his excessive killing of many places he appears very rarely and in some countries is quite extinct.While small, easily opitomyava deer, and if zastaree becomes angry and aggressive. And feral easily bring young people and to become credulous. One case recently made a strong impression on people and create a pleasant entertainment izletnitsite Knyazhevo village near Sofia. In the national park Vitosha has elenorazvadnik. Since last year a young male deer learn to go down to the outskirts of Knyazhevo. Izletnitsite used to, he ceased to be afraid of them, slowly came into the village and started to walk freely in the streets. And began to make mischief in the shops with vegetables and fruit such as boiling snout anywhere, although all were chasing him. So he baptized "hooligan." So they knew it all izletnitsi in Vitosha. And began to make mischief in gardens and yards, leaping over fences as a minor."Hooligan" and get familiar with the children, who gathered a crowd around him and enjoyed. He knew them well and let him caress and play with it. If a child tried to put it once guided their sharp horns to it and hunt, but not running and not hanging the other children. He was accustomed to eating bread from the hands of children and adults, and loved sugar and sweets. Izletnitsite when some began to give the cakes and muffins, he knew that were delicious, and no longer wanted bread.In this "bully" began stands indirect in the middle of the road, away to the village, sometimes only to Pavlov. Stand and not move, even if it approached a car. Driver blew his vain to frighten him. Forced to turn in their cars, without it their attention and tear.Sometimes stood between planted trees and stood motionless for a long time that some thought it put there for a large bronze statue.Because it was quite alienated from the other deer, and returned up between them, they no longer knew him and chasing him. So he drove himself and never returned to their. Forced to close it not to wander, but prison life it destroyed. It crashed, lose heart. Even his hair quite pooredya. Believed that it will no longer be and wondered what to do. His thirst for freedom iztoshtazhashe it. Recently, however, he was again released. Again began to descend to the village and enjoy thousands of friends who welcomed him with joy. Recently, however, operas and the train and crushed beze.In our country, except through Strandja and Burgas, deer and even occurs in the Balkan Mountains - Klissurski, Teteven, Kotel, Central Gora - Bogdan, Rila, Rodopi and elsewhere. Hunting deer is prohibited in our country. Caught small to be transmitted to the nearest Forestry and hunting companies to send in hunting salmon.
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