The bird breeds across Europe and in parts of Asia, north reaches Scandinavia - 65oh c.sh. Quail is the only migratory species from occurring in our kokoshepodobni birds. Winters in Africa, South Asia and in small quantities in most southern parts of Europe. Our country is spread across the arable land.
Quails is the smallest representative of GALLIFORMES birds. There is pronounced sexual dimorphism. Its length is 18-20 cm, and weight - 100-150 gr. Female birds do not differ from males in size. Of male plumage is brown above with numerous sketches ohreni and dark spots. Over the eyes and in the middle of crown cross three yellowish stripes which extend to the rear. The tail is short. The body beneath is yellowish in color. Chest are dark colored. On podbradieto ohreno and throat are red or dark brown, triangular spot, limited by a narrow chest from bright julienne. Throat of the female, unlike the throat of males is bright, whitish in color. Breast with brown spots and dots. In both sexes meet individuals with darker coloring. Young birds resemble females but are lighter. Quail can be wrong in flight corncrake (Crex crex L.)Which is a globally threatened species listed in Red Book and protected our country. There are signs in the following field: 10.2.1. Quail is characterized by massive and short body. His legs are short and not be made behind the tail. Off a characteristic sound. Fly fast and steep, with very common neighborhoods. Flight is straightforward. 10.2.2. Corncrake has extended body and long legs who always brought a flight cross-tail. Fly almost noiselessly. Fly more slowly, with rare neighborhoods. The flight is not straightforward.
From an ecological standpoint quail treats evrobiontite ie species is not demanding to occupy diverse habitats and landscapes, but a bird of the cultural landscape. Occurs in areas occupied by cereals and other crops - alfalfa, potatoes, flax, etc.. In meadows, rare in overgrown clearings and other locations where there is an abundance of weed seeds. In appropriate circumstances, climbs to 2000 m asl During the day the rest hidden in the grass, and morning and evening to go eat. Food
The main meal of quail are weed seeds. Moreover, eating green grass and insects. It is very useful for agriculture.
In our country quail comes in April-May, and flies in large flocks in late August. Quail of the northern regions began fly singly and more southern gather in large flocks, sometimes numbering thousands of birds, then fly south. The greatest accumulation was observed in the region of Crimea. Before departure, nests in our country quail begin to gather in flocks in certain areas relatively constant. Later we arrive at the nests of birds north or called. passage quail. In spring, male and female points fly together, but autumn is down some differentiation in this respect: in the first flocks of migratory males are about 90% in the next females are increasing and at the end they are more than males, but the flocks begin to appear young and grown and fattened birds of both sexes. At the end of the mass flies fly and unprepared young birds (those with less weight). Late hatched quail remain with us until late autumn. During quail fly using the favorable air currents, and large water barriers along the coast or fly at bottlenecks. In favorable weather of quail fly Crimea Black Sea. Not rare in which many tired birds landing on ships during storms. Quail is a monogamous bird. After coming to males began its distinctive song, which our nation is used in the name of the bird. Fertilized female makes a nest on the ground and lay 8-18 eggs, pear, which are relatively larger (29:33 mm), with yellowish-brown primary color, sprinkled with numerous brown spots. Hatching lasts approximately 20 days. After hatching of the last egg of the mother takes the small part of the nest, which has already become dangerous because it can easily be detected. Small intensive feeding and grow very quickly. They hatch a mass 5-5,5 gr. Of 15-16 days they are already about 40 gr, and 50 days -100-120 gr. In the autumn fly south with her mother. Due to the destruction of nests and eggs during storage of rural cultures, quail nest too often repeated and if they manage to hatch, grow smaller and harder than preparing to fly south.
Natural enemies
Enemies of quails are porat, weasel, crow and magpie black, diurnal raptors and others. During the passage with the passages move whole groups of hobby and small hawk.
Important hunting
Small size, quick and abrupt departure flight cranky make quail hunting one of the most dynamic, most interesting and most pleasant experiences of the hunter. In lifting it flies very far. Attempts to re-release, however, are almost always more difficult. Continuous decline in this type of hunting and reduce its importance. In many countries of Europe quail no longer hunted. In recent years in our country also seen very tangibly reducing its inventories. Although this is still kind of significant resource stocks. Annual shooting in our country in some years exceeding 350 thousand birds.