Whatever the medium, which inhabits boar, it always drawn to water. In its habitat must be found "Swimming Pools" places, swampy or retaining rain water and mud with very necessarily - shamitsi or potassium in narodnomu. These feral pigs like to lie and lie, saving in this manner by ticks and other parasites kravopieshti. They resort to mud baths and they are injured. Mud closed wounds and helps them faster healing. Usually after a mud bath wild boars often rub and scratch in the trunks of coniferous trees, and thus in the bristles rub his gums them. This also helps to eliminate skin parasites. To such trees selected from the herd animals are addicted and use them for years.
Hunting feral pigs is very difficult and requires excellent organization, discipline, subordination of individual desires and collective home hunting experience. I think the deadlines for group hunting of wild boar can be downloaded with one month ahead. This will help to implement the shooting rules and regulation of the number of stocks. Will decrease and the damage that feral pigs cause flocks of harvest. Now the hunt takes place mainly in the months when the animals begin to grow - November and December. The quality of meat in this period was the lowest. Constantly migrating herds, wild boar are restless and therefore the conduct of group hunting is very difficult, its effectiveness is low and slukata is really random. The presence of snow during those months of the year really helps to find and easier to follow the herds, but on the other hand creates additional difficulties in movement and in the organization of hunting trips.
Failure of shooting plans are due to the fact that many of the wounded animals look and die undiscovered by crock. This is because the wild boar are very resistant to injury. The fact is that even with a heart shot they can run the 80-100 meters, and in moderate injuries - up to several kilometers. The pursuit of such animals in rugged terrain, often overgrown with dense vegetation in a number of other obstacles is difficult, expensive, dangerous and requires a lot of qualities, skills and habits developed.
To improve efficiency and effectiveness in hunting wild boars have a significant role to play well trained hunting dogs. Until today in Bulgaria for hunting wild pigs using any dogs, even as a working on a bloody trail. These are animals of various breeds, and often bezporodni as they shout "klyavki. In general, there are a variety of breeds of hunting dogs that can be used successfully for this type of hunting. First, these are different types of beagles, yagdterierite, erdelterierite and fox terrier, chamomile, Germany Continental breeds for a comprehensive hunting (kurtshar, drathar, marriage, etc.). Kravoslednik Weimar and much more. With four-legged helper can be made to approach as hunting and stalking, and with race. The prevailing opinion among hunters is that any dog can be a good swineherd. Generally, this is so, but at least it is good that busted old view that a beagle boars should be a great and a large dog, aggressive and malicious. Increasingly understood by the practice of hunting trips, and training of dogs fed gang saws in that good beagles for wild boar must have a complex of hereditary and acquired qualities to be truly irrevocable helpers in this hunt. Malicious and hysterically aggressive fighters first come under sharp boar wild boar. It is better these dogs are not used for hunting wild boar through the race.
t is the sole representative of non-ruminant animals dvoynokopitni through our forests. Gray to black with bristles summer is lighter than in winter.
Most characteristic of wild boar is a conical head. It is large and occupies a third of the whole body, such as occiput is raised up high, and the muzzle end with a trail. In the trail is a bone that makes it so firmly that wild boar it can dig large holes, even in very hard soil.
The eyes are small, hidden deep in the orbits and covered with chetinki strand. This allows the wild pig to move through the thickets of the forest and digging to free the land without turning a blind eye. Ears are black and standing up. Wild boar have acute hearing.
Neck is short and thick, and not separated by any sharp head or body. Therefore, it holds its head low to the ground and hard winds away.
The front part of the body is much more developed than the rest because of his back, between the skin and the flesh develops a special horned tissue - slin, reaching 3 cm thick. This fabric has a horned shape of a shield that helps the animal to suffer mild strokes and bite an opponent during the bitter struggles that are in between male mating period.
Wild boar is a night animal. Usually daytime sleep or rest in some comfortable and well-preserved sites of enemies, either through the underbrush of large forests, either through the reed swamps in forest. As the size of the bed in these places, which she does, can be judged for size, because larger males, called d l a n d, and make my bed in deep and dig more land. It is believed that the selection of daily resting place is in relation to weather conditions. If it is cold, the animal chooses a sunny places where heat, prefers to be a chill in some place overshadowed.
As it grew dark, wild boar out cautiously from his hiding place to look for food. She eats everything - the food is different: plants zheladi, chestnuts, roots of different food plants, eggs of certain birds. Some believe that when digging in the cutting, damaging and destroying the fallen seeds ponitsite. Moreover, scratching, however, it helps to burial of many seeds and fertilizer for loosening the soil and destroys the land located harmful insects, larvae and pupae. Sometimes out of the woods and attacked nearby fruits and vegetable gardens where causing greater damage. To protect crops from wild boars in some places farmers use a very simple way. They are driven into the ground in several places along the rods levels, 50-60 cm long, split tip, and crack is placed in cloth soaked with oil. These farmers claim that wild boars, deer, goats and rabbits, even so do not attack crops ambush.
When wild boar at night looking for food, it is very cautious and weakest grunt noise or suspicion, is very quietly slipped out and immediately disappeared from where it was, without know which way is gone.
Because hearing and smell of wild boar are very highly developed, it can sense from a remote location and the weakest noise, and the lightest flavor that comes from the approaching enemy. So quick and easy to avoid danger. If attacked by the dogs of the hunters, it is long and well picked. Only after losing his final strength, reconciles with his fate. Swim very well and often uses this ability to escape from their enemies.
Apart from the man who is a big enemy not only of wild boar, it has almost no enemies among the forest animals. Only a small wolf often attacked when pootdalechat from his mother.
Wild boar are propagated in November and December, but according to weather conditions of individual sites and may start earlier or continue until the end of February. Conquest of the female becomes very large and bloody fights between male rivals. They cause serious and even fatal injuries in the shoulders, ribs and rear parts of the body.
Wild boar could give birth before reaching their limit adulthood. Therefore, pigs and a half year old can now give offspring.
Because wild boar can easily be tame, it can be obtained with a tame cross pigs. However, these crosses do not represent an economic benefit because the resulting offspring is not suitable for fattening.
After 18 to 20 weeks of pregnancy in young boars born usually 4 to 6 young and older - 10 to 12 small.
Small accompany her mother for a year and sometimes more. Their hair is decorated with bright longitudinal stripes. At the end of the first year it becomes more reddish. Longitudinal strips of light lost is small with the first change of coat.
In its first years, depending on the sleek, wild boar weighing up of between 25 and 40 kg in the second - between 50 and 70 kg in the third - between 80 and 100 kg, while the fourth - from 100 to 125 kg. Are killed and wild boar, heavy to 150-200 kg.
It is believed that wild boar live on average about 20 years. More males live solitary lives, especially zastareyat although feral pigs like to live in flocks.
Among the diseases they suffer wild boar, the most dangerous is the "guttural toad" - like a cancer from which most die. Furthermore, the wild boar in the winter most of the suffering of hammering hooves on their front legs, which phenomenon is usually in the colder winters in the woods. Then in the sinking of the legs in the icy crust of ice cuts broken skin over the feet. Therefore, animal injury is difficult to move and often become victims of wolves and other enemies. In some places gets hurt inflammation and infection is often fatal for the animal. So winters with frost in the forest are bad for wild boar.
Very characteristic is the step (tracks) of wild boar. It very much resembles the step domestic pig, but is it stupid because wild boar moving too much and the tops of her feet dull. Pitch adult wild boar is very similar to the step of deer and can be mixed with it. However, the best expert can easily distinguish it, because entry deer leaves fingerprints on his hind kopittsa that small and standing high above the foot, and step into the wild boar kopittsa leave these traces. Tracks of wild boar and deer also differ in distance from one another. Deer in the distance is greater than for wild boar.
Wild boar is not as dangerous to forests, as some argue, to justify its ruthless extermination. This extermination is almost coming to an end not just abroad but in our country.
Wild boar except Strandja occurs in the larger forests of Stara Planina, Central forest Osogovo and elsewhere, and marshes along the Danube. In many places in our country have found residues of wild boar from prehistoric times. Then it was very common.
Under the new law on hunting wild boar is harmful to animals and killing is allowed from October to January. Therefore, until recently the country was killed a year more than 500 wild pigs.